Hello! Glad you made it! We currently only service South Boston Ma. We also offer our ‘Wanna Play Hard’ Playgroup option to Park Lane & 100 Pier4 buildings in the Seaport.
Unfortunately, dogsRbarkin is not accepting new clients at this time.
If you would like to be added to our wait list please cut and paste the information below into an email and send it to: contactus@dogsRbarkin.com. Please put your dogs name in the subject field. As soon as a spot opens up matching your desired service and frequency we will reach out. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Phone Number:
Pets Name:
Pets Age:
Pets Breed:
Has Your Pet Had A Walker Before/Or Do They Currently?
Services Interested In:
Frequency Desired:
Were you referred? (please note by whom):